| | | | Раб. Дни: 1111110 Раб. Часы: 9:0 - 18:0 KARCOMAUTO Cars salonCar salon, cars, import cars, cars sale, car maintenance of PAZ GAZ and UAZ cars, car market, the only and exclusive representative of the ULYANOVSK AUTOMOBILE FACTORY in Armenia |
Head: Volodya Ghukasyan, executive director Address: Komitas ave. 47 Tel.: 099232021 Car market 380603 Technical service 380602 380604 MapPositiion: 0 Website: www.karcomauto.am www.gazarmenia.am | | . |
CAR SERVICE \ Car salons Car salon, cars, import cars, cars sale, car maintenance of PAZ GAZ and UAZ cars, car market REPRESENTATIONS \ Representative offices The only and exclusive representative of the ULYANOVSK AUTOMOBILE FACTORY in Armenia
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